News Article

Decorex KZN is round the courner

20th February 2013

Decorex KZN is round the courner

KZN’s finest décor, design and lifestyle expo themed 'bliss' promises to provide plenty of design and décor ideas and inspiration, a showcase of the latest decor trends as well as lots to buy and loads of practical know-how. Decorex Durban’s customary demo’s and how to’s promise to inspire a whole new approach to home living and a variety of trendy pop-up restaurants mean visitors are guaranteed a great day out.

Dates: 21 March 2013 – 24 March 2013

Venue: Durban exhibition centre
Times: 10:00 – 20:00
Tickets: R60 Adults R50 Pensioners & Students R10 Children U12
Trade day: Friday 22 March 2013 (registration on line)