News Article
19th September 2013
Bookings open for the 2014 KSA Consumer Guide & Brochure
We have started work on the 2014 KSA brochure. We are making some exciting changes which will make the brochure of greater value to you, the member.
This edition we are introducing a full listing of all members at the back of the brochure. This listing will be free for all members and will contain your company name, telephone number and website address. An expanded listing will also be available. This will allow members to add their logo and 45 words over and above their website and telephone details. These 45 words should be used to provide a description of your companies services and areas of expertise, as well as additional contact details if necessary. The cost of the expanded listing will be R1900.00 (excl. VAT).
As per previous editions double, full, half and quarter pages adverts are available. This year all members taking a double page spread will receive a free one year advert on the KSA website classifieds page. Members taking a full page will receive eight months advertising, those taking a half page will receive a six months free advert and members taking a quarter page will get 3 months free advertising.
The brochure is to be printed on a slightly lighter weight paper stock in 2014. This will assist the KSA to pursue greater marketing opportunities with the brochure such as insertion into other publications. The brochure will once again be distributed at shows nationally and members will of course have the option to display and distribute them in their showrooms. Copies will be posted to a database of consumer journalists and industry professionals (architects and interior designers).
Please find herewith the rate and spec sheets as well as booking forms. Please note that ALL members need to return the booking form confirming their details for their free listing.
Should you have any queries or please contact Stephanie on for more information.
Stephanie -