News Article

KSA members invited to Global Greentag events.

9th February 2015

KSA members invited to Global Greentag events.

Ecospecifier would like to invite KSA members to two Global Greentag events. These events will assist you in educating yourselves on what is required to be green rates, how to get your product green rated and how to get yourself specified on green projects. This is a must for all members who want to increase their footprint in green building.

The first seminar is a free talk on 'How to increase product sales into Green Star SA Interior Projects:

Cape Town – Wednesday, 25 February 2015
Venue: SANRAL Winelands Auditorium Venue: EY Offices Address: 1 Havenga Street, Oakdale, Bellville
Time: 13H00 for 13H30 – 14H30

Gauteng – Thursday, 26 February 2015
Address: 102 Rivonia Road, Sandton
Time: 14H00 for 14H30 – 15H30 Booking is essential (no cost) -…

The second seminar is on 'Enhanced green building rates using product certification and life cycle assessment. This is a pay-for seminar:

Cape Town Date: Wednesday, 25 February 2015
Time: 08H30 for 09H00 - 11H00
Venue: SANRAL, Winelands Auditorium, 1 Havenga Street, Oakdale, Bellville

Gauteng Date: Thursday, 26 February 2015
Time: 09H30 for 10H00 - 12H00
Venue: EY Offices, 102 Rivonia Road, Sandton

The Cape Institute for Architecture has assessed and validated this as a Category One CPD Activity. The activity carries 0.3 CPD credits Cost: GBCSA/CIFA/SAIA/ASAQS/GIFA Members: R350.00 including VAT Non-Members: R450.00 including VAT

Website link:

link for registration form:…

For either seminar RSVP to Lizette Swanevelder Tel: 021 790 0286 / 082 770 6552 / E-Mail: Website:


RSVP to Lizette Swanevelder Tel: 021 790 0286 / 082 770 6552 / E-Mail:

More info