News Article

KSA members - advertise in the 2013 brochure

21st September 2012

KSA members - advertise in the 2013 brochure

The 2013 KSA brochure will be target consumers and industry professionals. The majority of the brochures will be given out to consumers nationally at Decorex, Homemakers, Grand Designs and The East Coast House and Garden Show. It will also be included in press packs we intend to send to the editors of the major industry and consumer magazines. We are also planning to use it to inform industry professionals such as architects and interiors designers about the KSA and its members. As such advertising in the brochure will ensure your company’s exposure to a key target market. Accompanying your advertising will be a selection on articles aimed at educating the public.

As you will know we offered members the opportunity to secure their advertising spot by paying for three years placement in advance. The following pages were booked on this basis and as such are not available for selection – inside front cover, back cover, inside back cover and middle double page. These pages will once again become available in the 2015 edition.

To book please contact Stephanie on Adverts should be submitted to us before 1 November 2012 in the following format and size:

Actual size: A5 Portrait, 148 x 210mm
Binding: Saddle Stitched
Line Screen: 133 Ipi
Image Resolution: 300 dpi
Inking: Process CMYK
Bleed: KJLKNLN,5mm

Accepted File Types:
Hi Resolution PDF: This is the preferred format for ad submissions. Ensure that all type is converted to paths; all colours are converted to CMYK. Ads with bleeds must include 5mm on bleed sides and crop marks embedded in the PDF placed at least 5mm outside the trim edge.
Adobe Photoshop: Create your ad in CMYK colour mode with a resolution of 300dpi at 100% size. Upsizing an ad from a smaller dimension or lower resolution will result in pixilation and an undesirable “halo” effect around your type. When submitting Adobe Photoshop files please render type layers and flatten the document, selecting EPS as your choice of output. Saving your document using Photoshop’s PDF writer in not advised.

Unacceptable file types: Quark Express, Film, PDF created with PDF writer, Postscript or native applications such as Quark, InDesign, Pagemaker, Illustrator, Freehand, and Photoshop. No JPEG images are acceptable. Avoid small type, especially as reverses or with light tints.

Should you require you Ad to be made up by the Agency, please contact them directly:
PUMP SA – Gary McBirnie 011 361-2200

We encourage all members to showcase themselves in the brochure and look forward to the consistent support we have received for the booklet over the past three years.

For further information contact
