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Bookings open for the KSA 2017 Consumer Guide

Bookings open for the KSA 2017 Consumer Guide

We are pleased to announce that booking for the KSA Consumer Guide is open. We are anticipating that the 2017 guide will be as sought after by consumers and industry professionals as always. As such we hope that you will, in turn, support this unique publication, aimed specifically at your target market, with the same gusto as you have in the past.

As we are aware times are tough we have not increased the advertising costs for 201,7 choosing to rather absorb the increase in printing costs ourselves.

Please remember ALL members must complete the attached paperwork, even if you are only opting for your free member’s listing. If we have not received your completed forms we will go to print with the information we have on file and will not be held responsible if it is incorrect. We look forward to receiving your forms. Should you have any queries please contact your regional representative