KSA members encouraged to enter the Caesarstone kitchen on the year competition
KSA member kitchen companies are encouraged to take up the challenge and enter the Caesarstone Kitchen of the year competition. As KSA member Optima Kitchens found out last year having a winning designer in your fold can be a huge accolade for your business.
This year Caesarstone is looking for the best local and imported kitchen designs in two categories. Both winning homeowner-designer pairs will share a R100,000 cash prize, with national TV exposure, magazine coverage and bragging rights to boot.
Entering is easy:
- Consult your homeowner / designer about entering
- Fill in the entry form below and select your preferred kitchen category
- Upload 4 high quality photographs (JPEG) and plans (PDF) You may also nominate a kitchen by emailing your nomination’s name, email address, phone number and the kitchen project name to competitions@interslab.co.za
2 CATEGORIES This year the competition will be judged in 2 categories: local and imported kitchens. For the purposes of this competition imported kitchens are defined as kitchens that are comprised of at least 80% imported elements.
JUDGING CRITERIA The judging process is blind, which means the judges never know who designed which kitchen, who the homeowner is, or even where the kitchen is installed. The judges are required to rate each kitchen according to 6 categories in order to select their top 8 finalists: • First impression • Concept • Design elements (use of colour, texture etc.) • Caesarstone inclusion (incorporation of Caesarstone products into the design) • Aesthetic appeal • Ergonomics & functionality
visit the following site to enter: https://www.google.co.za/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&rlz=1C1VFKB_enZA642ZA643&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=caesarstone%20kitchen%20of%20the%20year