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Time to sign up for the KSA kitchen industry salary benchmark study

Time to sign up for the KSA kitchen industry salary benchmark study

KSA is now at the stage where we have to confirm our member’s participation in the KSA’s kitchen industry salary benchmark study.

We would like to remind members that this study is going to provide valuable information about how our industry is paying its staff and give indications about how we should be looking after our key staff. Due to the KSA negotiating special pricing this is your opportunity to get access to the results of, and participate in, this study (which is fully confidential) at a much reduced price. This is a unique benefit exclusive to KSA members.

Should you have any questions please contact your regional KSA representative.

We hope to have all key kitchen members participating in this hugely valuable study. Booking forms to participate must be returned to Stephanie on by 10 February 2017 so that the study can commence mid-February.